Stories of Hope
Sharing stories of real hope happening in South Africa.
The Build for Better initiative is a collection of stories of real hope from across South Africa. They're made possible by SBS, a liquid and dry storage tanks solutions company.
SBS believes passionately in driving nation building, a mission and culture instilled into the organisation by entrepreneur and CEO Delayne Gray, and acted upon daily by the 160+ staff complement. It is a conviction that we all have a role to play in uplifting our communities, our country and our continent for the benefit of all. Be it through entrepreneurial efforts, community efforts or even a single act of kindness.

Building for better is, for some, what they do every day. It doesn't have to be life changing or earth shattering, it's just small moves in the right direction.
We at SBS, hope these stories bring hope, and inspire you to live your own Build for Better story.
If you, or your organisation, have a story to share and want to help this country build for better, we'd love to hear them and work with you to share them. Share your story of hope here!